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Cal Poly Proud

Alumni Impacting California and Beyond

Across the world Cal Poly alumni are making a difference, giving back and having an impact on their communities. More than ever, we want to share their stories. 

Cal Poly Landscape

Introducing the Cal Poly Alumni — APIDA Community

Cal Poly alumni is excited to announce the launch of the Cal Poly Alumni — APIDA Community (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American). This identity-based affinity community will connect alumni to each other, to the university and use the collective wisdom and resources of Cal Poly APIDA alumni to support the next generation of Cal Poly graduates.

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Casey Bloomquist (Agricultural Business, ‘20)

Alumni Volunteer and Baseball Standout is Inducted into Mustang Hall of Fame

Alumnus and former Mustang baseball star Casey Bloomquist (Agricultural Business, '20), was recently inducted into the Cal Poly Athletics Hall of Fame. Bloomquist currently gives back by volunteering to lead the Cal Poly Alumni — Bakersfield Community. 

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Alumnus Pedro Armendáriz on stage

Alumnus Pedro Armendáriz Took Learn by Doing to Cinematic Heights

Pedro "Pete" Armendáriz first came to Cal Poly in 1928 as a 16-year-old high school sophomore. He dazzled in film roles during the golden age of Mexican cinema in the 1940s and '50s. He also worked with actors including John Wayne and Sean Connery and notable directors like John Huston.

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connect with a Mustang

Alumni and students are joining Cal Poly Career Connections to make online networking easier! Now is the time to make a connection. Mentor a student or make new connections with fellow alumni, all in one free and easy-to-use platform.


Students and mentor walking around Cal Poly campus, talking.

Support Student Success

Give directly to students and Learn by Doing projects through Cal Poly Crowdfunding. Know exactly where your money is going and feel great about supporting Learn by Doing!


Cal Poly student holding up a cluster of white wine grapes.